Monday, September 5, 2011

What to say....

Wow, this past many days have been full of so much 'food for thought'. 

I've been encouraged to press on in my writing because it bugs the masses of naysayers.  I've been critiqued on the validity of my faith.  Others have questioned the value of writing versus the pain I face in the battle of words over my own words and sharing.  One very supportive man just gave me food for thought in his support of my heart, my faith, and my purposes in sharing. 

One thing is certain, I have struck a chord.  A very resonant one.  A small stroke of the 'enter' string on this harp of a computer, and 'POW', the sounds ring out.  Sounds of discord, sounds of support, sounds of cheer, harmony of praise and thanksgiving, cacophony of strife stirring.  Wow.

But, I will press on in writing. My goals are the same tonight, as when I began a few weeks ago.  I want to open my heart to you as God is giving me so much.  HE is filling me, changing me, humbling me, allowing heartache and disappointment that I am sure are driving me to His feet.  And I KNOW others are experiencing the same let us share our burdens, our lessons, our delights in the Lord, our pains that cast us at God for care. 

Misunderstanding will occur.  Judgment will happen, of that I am sure.  Critique will cry out. Nasty words will be written. Blessings will rise up.  Prayers will be petitioned.  And I hope to grow from every one of those responses to my writing.  Do you hope for the same in your trials?

Naysayers do not keep me from growing.  I just pray to always be willing to be hurt by them but never become like them.  Let that be your prayer as well if you are going though events in life that others have NO CLUE of the details and make judgment in ways that they know not any truth.  Whether it is divorce, separation, marital counseling, events you choose, actions you all to the glory of God, and let others be left on the sidelines doing their griping if that is their choice. You keep your eye on the prize of following Jesus, glorifying Him as you go. 

That is my prayer after all the responses I've received to my writing lately. 

Support and prayers are gracious gifts of saints and friends.  How good is God to give us pieces of Himself in such edifying moments and words.  Wow, God. You are awesome towards us.  There is NO way I believe God would use nastiness to share His truth.  Oh, I do believe HE uses painful words to guide us. Not all counsel is easy to hear or act upon. But, when His Word is twisted with lies to make a point, I can't believe HE approves such purposes.  He is ALL TRUTH. Satan is all lies.   Mixing one with the other is all lie. 

Truth can be tainted with lies, hypocrisy and venom.  We all must learn to discern the error in these messages. This is vital because as we walk with the Lord, yearning to be obedient, sensitive to wanting to be walking in a manner that glorifies Him , it is easy for us to be sidetracked by cloudy truth.  We yearn for truth so much, we can be persuaded by half truths if we are not careful.

In our positions of already being second guessed, or confronted on our decisions as single moms, folks going through divorce, etc. we have got to be firm in our mindset on truth and right thinking.  If we let every half truth deceive us, or confuse I have often done...we live in a muddled, chaotic, exhausting mess. 

Make sure the voices you heed are full of truth.  NOt half truth.  Not anger. But, grace and truth.  Ask God for wisdom to know the difference...test those spirits to see if they be of God!!!! 

I'll continue to share my heart as I learn these simple lessons along with you.  And I will be praying for all the readers who comment that they too will walk in truth, no confusion and no pressure to conform to strife filled oppression.

Press on, loved ones....let's keep going. Keep our eye on the goals of glorifying God..of knowing our lives are all about Jesus. Not us.  All things...all is about Him.  We do nothing apart from Him.  We don't breathe, we have no faith, we have no character of strength without Jesus. 

Let us NOT be distracted as HE leads us.  Even in painful paths.

Love to you..Gayle


  1. The older I get, the less I feel like judging others. My goodness. We all have disfunctional lives! Everyone is on their own journey. The story is not yet finished in anyone's life. God is faithful to complete what he desires in each one of our lives. Press on, and press into God's embrace. It is comforting there. You go, girl.

  2. ,,,'allow me to be hurt by them but not become them',,,wow, I needed to hear that. I've been praying for us to find strength and wisdom in proper response or non-response to all kinds of people stuff in our lives. God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good.
