Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I'm growing up...

Yep.  I'm growing up.  I've put my big girl panties on, and I'm dealing with life as it rolls right at me. For instance, today I manhandled a bat.    Or, is that 'woman handled'?  Either way,  there is now a bat smashed in a garbage bag at First Congregational Church in Stanton, Michigan. 

I was there doing some work for my new job when I walked into the children's library to do a little research on materials available.  I flipped on a light, walked a few feet into the room...saw a brown blob on the floor..."EEEEEKKKK, SAMUEL....help me, there is a bat in here!!!"

Calling my fourteen year old son didn't help me one bit.  He, and the other children I had with me, told me I was on my own!!!! So, take care of that bat, I did.  I have no idea if that bat was sleeping, or what state he was in ...but I took a broom and a large piece of wood trim to his backside and smashed a plastic bag over his body.  Now he's all tied up in the garbage.  I still shiver at the thought of scooping him up in the bag...ooey, soft body, stiff claws. But, I did it.  I conquered the beast.

Big girl panties were fully pulled up for that adventure.

All five of the youngest children are registered and ready for school to start in September.  I lived through that process, paper signing, transcript typing, meetings with counselors, principals, mopey teenager, and I'm still standing.  Or at least still alert and alive. For many of you, that is old news to handle school issues.  For me, it is a brand new adventure.  I've homeschooled for 23 years, remember.

My panties are getting lovelier....power panties, now...no more cotton...all lace.

I'm boldly meeting new people, setting good boundaries, learning my weaknesses by letting God expose me and my heart to myself - hearing His counsel on relationships.  More growing up, more dealing with real life.

Thank you, Father...your love is powerful in me.

As I have faced this past few days and even weeks, I can look back at them and see God's constant paving of the path before me.  He has prepared the way in each circumstance.  Phil's graduation party, listing the house, finding a great realtor in Spencer "Pep" Geisen, meeting new friends, great people at the schools, fantastic folks at work at the college, ease in registering the children, over and over again God has calmed my heart as I have seen Him stroll before me and line the way with His serenity and peace. Wow, God...you make me drop to my knees before you as I consider how much you must love me in order to do these things for me.

He has sent people to tell me they are praying for me; a small group of ladies - my Samsonite Sisters - to holler they all love me as they call from a cell phone at the top of our state; a sister who expresses love over and over again; people who have supplied finances for me as I have had expenses that need covering....oh, Father, you have shown me your watchful hand over me.  I've seen it with my eyes, felt it with my hands and heart. 

Thank you, Father...every good and perfect gift is from you...a nice counselor, a friendly principal, gas money from a friend, a coffee at McDonald's, a bat that put up very little fight for this frightened warrior, and your perfect love.

You're astounding, Father. Thanks.

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