Wednesday, January 4, 2012

An Adventure with My Father....

No matter my aggravation, my stress, my pain.....I have to testify that my heavenly Father is so abundantly good to me.  Even when I deserve none of His mercy, none of His grace upon my life, He showers each of those, and more, all over my life.

A new year has begun.  Goodness, four days of the 365 are already past.  I was asked on New Year's Eve what my resolutions were to be for the year.  The question stunned me to silence.  Life has felt so insanely busy, stressed, and full of change, I had not even toyed with one smidgeon of a thought about the new year and resolutions or goals to accomplish in it.  Stress began to fill my head at the question when I realized I had planned for nothing as a focus of my time and life.  Now, I know, I know, there is nothing in the Bible or any written rule that commands focused plans. But, doggone it, there sure is some wisdom in making such plans and goals.  And I realized I had none.

Failure! Failure! Failure! is what my mind started flashing.  No plans!! You are accomplishing nothing, Gayle!!!!  You are in mere survival mode all the time, Gayle!!!  You are not moving ahead!!!!  I was hearing these things scream into my thoughts.  STOP!!!!

I had to take my thoughts captive and stop the destructive actions right away.  I'd have myself soon in tears if I did not.

On that same night of the resolution question, I was challenged with hope filled, thought provoking conversation that had the enticing, sweet sound of the heavenly Father saying, "Gayle, do you see?  I'm showing you options out of the survival mode.  Listen, Gayle....I'm whispering sweet nothings of love and hope to you, giving you vision for the possible in your life.  You can move forward.  There are workable means to do so.  Don't despair and feel stuck.  You are NOT stuck.  I have goals and plans for you, my precious Child, and I'm sending you these voices now to show you different ways to carry out those plans.  Let your resolutions be My plans for you.  Let your goals be guided by me. Let me give you the desires in heart that I want you to possess."

At the end of that conversation, I  declared, "I think I have my resolution now!"  

No, I don't have a fully laid out plan for my future.  But, I DO know topics and ideas to research and study.  I know possibilities. And I know someone else believes in me to accomplish some healthy, productive plans for my future and that of my family. 

Most of all, I know my Father wants me on this adventure. He has sent a few more people since that night to challenge me in the same manner.  I think I hear Him whispering, gently seducing me to His well thought out plans for me. He loves me so much, I should never fear going on this adventure with Him.  The heavenly Father paves the way for each step, He goes before me.....why should I ever fear. 

Wait, maybe that should be my resolution for Twenty-twelve....stop fearing, trust the Father in heaven.


  1. Guess what?!?! You have an extra day this year! It's a leap year. An extra day for God to work on us this year!

  2. What would we do without our Father? So glad you were able to take those thoughts and lies captive.
    It's so exciting to see God work in your life. I'm sure at times you feel so alone, but you are not. Not only is He planning, guiding, and showering blessings. He is holding you in the palm of His hands the whole time. Wow, what a thought. His love continues to amaze me right along with your willingness to seek Him and praise Him.
