Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Unfathomable Peace

Undone by the Unfathomable peace of God.  I am there.

My heavenly Father is fabulous, merciful, and working in me to make me mature, well developed in Jesus, and not deficient in any way.

Going through divorce makes the opportunity for this work of God in me. 

I never imagined myself going through a divorce.  In fact, I insisted the action was an absolute SIN before God, it did NOT fit in any box God would ever use or even look into, and, it was never going to be a word connected to me.  Fear of disfavor or disconnection from God was the ultimate foundation for this thinking.  In truth, the threat of disconnection from God was often one used on my mind and heart as my own marriage went through so much pain and strife.

Divorce grieves the heart of God. Any lost marriage is beyond description in its sadness.  Many marriages are still being carried out in a house, but they are so far removed from God's description of the union that an emotional, spiritual and mental divorce has already occured.  I sincerely believe it makes no difference to God the legal status of the marriage if the marriage is in a destructive state.  He is grieved either way. 

No person marries with the plan of divorcing.  I just don't believe this happens.  Who would be so foolish to sign up for such pain, disappointment, mess, hassle, and confusion???  Any person who finds themselves in an attorney's office, working out divorce settlement issues, is dumbfounded, aching, yearning for reasonable answers to this constant question filled place in life - What could have been done?  Did I do all I could?  Am I as bad as he says I am? Was the other woman really better than me?  Wasn't I good enough?  Is God mad at me now? Am I forgiving or am I faking it and really just a bitter, nasty, angry person?

The divorce process is a place of great pain. For both spouses.  There is loss, grief, anger, heartache, fear, doubt, insecurity, loneliness, confusion.  On and on the emotions go.  But, none of them is sin.  God knows each and every feeling we will experience as we walk through the tumultuous adventure.

Sin only begins when you act in anger, speak in bitterness of heart, harbor grudges, gossip and try to get others to take on your offense against your spouse.  For these, we must be on constant guard and in a constant state of confession and repentance.

The greater spiritual battle is the lack of peace during the upheaval.  But, our Father in heaven is so abundant in supplying a serenity of spirit, at His cost, for us.  The ultimate peace came in Jesus when He died on the cross..we have peace with God, our Father. But, daily peace in our living circumstances comes through Him as well. As we trust on Him....believe in His sovereignty, or right to rule, in our lives; believe He has our best on His heart; know His great love for us, and rest in it.  His word tells us that when we are anxiety ridden, praying with thanksgiving will allow Christ  to displace worry at the center of our lives.  And He tells us to think on lovely, pure, just things.....things of good report.  An Old Testament prophet says that peopoe with their minds set upon Him will be kept completely whole and in peace. 

The Father's word is true an faithful. These mindful choices do, indeed, work to allow His peace to reign in our minds and hearts.

I sleep well at night as I trust in His sovereignty.  Calmness of spirit exists because I know He is keeping me in the palm of His hand, with my name engraved upon His heart of love.  He will deal with any enemies that are against me, spiritual or otherwise.  He is my warrior in all adverse situations. 

No lie shall prevail against me, He says.  I trust Him to let truth be known, to be my ultimate attorney, my healer of all the broken heartedness and confusion.  My God is the one who will clear confusion.  He wants me to have knowledge of His will for me.  He longs for me to trust him in negative circumstances so His unfathomable peace can blow me away on the whispers of His love.

As you go through divorce, or separtion, or marital strife, rest in Him.  Repent where you have need and allow His great spirit of serenity to overwhelm you.  It is real.  It is for you as you trust in Him.

I have this peace, and I want to share it with you.  God has enough to go around.  I promise.

My love to all...Gayle

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